Journal’s Mission & Purpose

The Journal for Leadership & Strategic Foresight is a non-profit venture designed to further the wisdom and practical application of knowledge in the areas of leadership and foresight (future studies).

The journal finds its home in the Institute for Leadership & Strategic Foresight, located in the richly cultural city of San Antonio, Texas.

In order to achieve the aims of furthering applied knowledge and wisdom, the journal is interested in publishing articles pertaining to the professional practice of leadership and foresight.

We also welcome interpretative and critical perspectives that portray the philosophical frameworks of these disciplines through real-life applications.

Guidelines for Authors

  • All articles will go through an Editorial Review Board (ERB). The ERB will examine each submission to ensure the submission abides within the disciplines of leadership and foresight (future studies), and the content emerges from the professional application of leadership and foresight frameworks.
  • Submissions should be insightful, thought-provoking, future-oriented, and original. Originality refers to content that is not repetitive of the media stream but grounded on the author’s own analysis and gained wisdom through the application of leadership and the projection of the analysis or contemporary issue forward into the future.
  • Additionally, the submissions should have an international perspective, meaning that the topics discussed consider a wide view of cultural and regional perspectives.
  • Articles submitted to the Journal for Leadership & Strategic Foresight must not have been published elsewhere. Submissions should be between 1,000-1,500.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format as an email attachment to [email protected].

Manuscript Details

First Page
  1. Author’s name, organization or company, duty title, and email.
  2. Article’s Abstract. The abstract will be no longer than 160 words.
  3. Article’s keywords to help us catalog the submission, or if accepted for publishing, a reader can easily search for the submission’s main topics or areas of focus
  4. Author’s Statement:
    – The author makes a statement that the work submitted is original and is not under the review of another journal, newsletter, blog, or other unpublished publication.
    – Additionally, the author states that permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet) if applicable.
    – All work that is not the author’s own voice must be properly cited to give credit to the appropriate source (when applicable); therefore, the author must acknowledge that credit has been given/cited as appropriate.
  1. Author’s Declaration of Interest Statement: All authors must disclose financial or organizational relationships that could inappropriately influence or bias the work that is being submitted.
Manuscript and Subsequent Pages
  1. Voice. The manuscript should read as in popular press but must be cited where applicable.
  2. Citing the Manuscript. All material that needs to be referenced will be cited using APA format. Referencing (or citation) of the material will be done at the appropriate place within the sentence or paragraph where material from other sources is being used. But instead of using the parenthetical reference (Akbar, 2017, p. 3), the author will use a numeric citation enclosed in brackets, i.e., [3] corresponding to the reference page bearing the full APA citation.
  3. Reference Page. A separate reference page will follow the end of the article. Use APA style.
  4. Quality. All work submitted must comply with proper grammar and spell check.
  5. Author’s Short Bio & Photo. The last page of the manuscript will include a short bio and a photo (head-shot style) that can be used for webpage purposes. If the manuscript is published, the author’s short bio and photo will precede the article.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Address: 110 East Houston St., 7th Floor, San Antonio, Texas, 78205

If you would like to know more, please email one of our representatives to set up an appointment.

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